What to Expect When You Hire Professional House Painters
What to expect when hiring professional house paintersWhen hiring Loveland professional house painters like Colortrends, you can expect to get customized, quality service and a worthwhile paint job for your buck. Before the painters arrive at your house, there are a number of things you should be prepared to ask and a few expectations you should have.
If you’ve hired professional painters for an interior painting job, they will be in your home disrupting your routine for as long as it takes them to complete the work. You should make your home as prepared as possible for the workers, and make sure to get the right information from your painting crew before they start to break out their brushes and rollers.
Why should I hire a professional residential painter?
Guaranteed Satisfaction & More
Any professional painter knows that there is more to a paint job than the actual painting. For example, Pro Painters offers a five-year guarantee on all residential work performed and a one -year guarantee on all commercial work. A trustworthy business will always aim to please the customer, and a satisfaction guarantee shows that a company cares about the quality of service that they provide. This also should ease the customer’s mind when on the hunt for a professional painter.
Business’s Longevity
A well-established and experienced business is going to be able to better handle any job that comes their way. While a newer company may come across problems that they don’t know how to deal with, a business that has been around for decades will know exactly how to handle even the toughest of jobs.
Professional Residential Painters Have the Expertise in Choosing the Right Products
Interior painting and exterior painting can differ significantly. Besides, different painting surfaces require different products. Some will require a specialist’s application, such as elastomeric coatings. If paint is not exactly your forte, you will not know how to avoid common mistakes. If you hire a professional residential painter to do the job for you, you will not have to worry about any of that. They will choose the right products for you and know how to use them properly to achieve the best outcome.
Professional Painting Contractors Mitigate Risks and Are Insured
- Incidences occasionally happen during any construction-based project. Painting companies put up several measures to mitigate risks.
- Using the gear to minimize levels of risk.
- Investing in training and regular refresher drills
- Using adequate insurance to shield you from any liability
If you choose to do it yourself, you will need a significant outlay to get all the protective gear. The temptation to ignore some necessary protective equipment such as eyeglasses is real. You will be at risk, and the worst thing about it is that you are not insured.
Professional Painters Offer Years of Experience
Quality and experience come hand-in-hand with any home renovation project, and this is especially true when it comes to interior and exterior painting. Paying your local handyman to paint your home may help save some money, but the quality is going to quickly show.
A professional painter has had years of experience in painting all types of homes, making them an expert when it comes to suggesting paints that will work best for your home’s style, siding materials, and other considerations. Most paint jobs from professional companies will also come with a warranty as well, which can cover things like fade, application defects, and other issues should they come up.
Don’t accept substitutes
Make sure the painter uses the paint and colour specified – don’t accept less expensive colour ‘matches’. It is easy for a painter to try to substitute a cheaper paint, but this will result in a poorer finish. Check that the brand stated on the paint containers they bring to the job match the brand stated on the quote. Colours can be checked in the same way. Resene testpots are also useful as standard colour references
Remember, the painter has quoted on using a specific product, so make sure that’s what is actually used on the project. Some painters may offer colour matches in cheaper products – they will use different tinters and formulations to the original colour and the colour will not perform or look the same as the authentic colour. While two products may initially look identical, higher quality paint is more durable and will last longer. You will regret a moment of weakness in a few years’ time when the inferior paint breaks down faster.